5 Signs CBD Could Ease Your Pain

CBD Could Ease Your Pain, CBD Cream

If you are one of the millions of people who struggle with chronic pain, anxiety, or other conditions, chances are you’ve spent countless hours trying to figure out how to treat the problem. You’ve probably tried every medicine, both prescription and over-the-counter, with mixed results. Perhaps, in your research, you’ve stumbled upon something called “CBD Oil,” and are wondering if it’s for you. Well, whether you can reap one of the many benefits of CBD Oil depends on the condition or conditions you are trying to treat, as well as a few other factors. Here are five signs CBD for pain could work for you:

You Suffer From Chronic Pain

For people who suffer from conditions that leave them in pain constantly, quality of life may be dramatically reduced, with no end in sight. And while you may have heard that CBD Oil can help treat ‘pain,’ that term, in and of itself, doesn’t have much meaning. After all, ‘pain’ can have any number of meanings and describe a vast array of conditions. Neuropathic pain, for example, is created by the glutamatergic system, a major neuronal pathway. It causes harmless stimuli to feel pain and is common among diabetics and people with similar conditions.

Inflammatory pain, on the other hand, is caused by inflammation and is not simply limited to the neurons of your body. These two types of pain can affect nearly any part of your body and cover a huge array of different conditions. Arthritis is a common type of inflammatory pain. While it often affects older people, it can affect any part of the body, at any age, can make doing simple tasks extremely difficult. Headaches, cramps, and muscle pains are all common types of inflammatory pain.

CBD for pain has been reported by many people to be incredibly effective for treating both neuropathic and inflammatory pain because it seems to work on the mechanisms that cause the pain to happen in the first place. It can reportedly inhibit the release of glutamate (easing neuropathic pain), as well as inflammatory agents, helping to dull the pain sensations in your body. CBD has a unique mechanism for blocking inflammatory agents. It does not, according to current research, have the harmful side effects, such as gastrointestinal ulcers, that pharmaceutical painkillers do. It’s also been found by some consumers to be significantly more potent than over-the-counter pain medicines such as ibuprofen. CBD for pain is remarkable, according to many.

You Have Acne And Similar Skin Conditions

The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD Oil mean that it does also, according to users, work wonders for another condition that reduces the quality of life in people of all ages: acne.

Acne is caused when the sebaceous glands produce excessive sebum, blocking pores and leading to zit and pimple formation. CBD Oil, when used either topically or ingested, can possibly help to block these glands from producing too much sebum, helping to clear up acne and other skin conditions caused by hormonal imbalances. While further studies are needed to discover more of the benefits of CBD for skin health, its reported benefits for acne can go a long way towards boosting the self-confidence and quality of life of sufferers.

You Have Anxiety And/Or Depression

Anxiety and depression have become all-too-common among millions of people all over the world. They are difficult to treat because neither ‘anxiety,’ nor ‘depression,’ is a single disease. They actually describe an extremely broad category of conditions, with different causes, and the mechanisms for them are still very poorly understood. Because of this, there is no single “magic bullet” that can treat either condition. Often, the treatments for anxiety and depression are complex and multi-faceted. For many, a healthy diet and exercise seem to help, and for some, anti-anxiety drugs and antidepressants appear to have a measurable benefit. However, these drugs have side effects of their own and are not effective in every case.

Many people, however, have discovered that CBD oil works wonders for their anxiety and depression. It has been tested on people with generalized anxiety disorder, as well as people with more specific conditions, such as social anxiety. It has also been shown to have antidepressant effects for some people in various studies. Scientists believe that the benefits CBD Oil provides for anxiety and depression are due to its effects on the brain’s serotonin receptors.

You Suffer From Neurological Disorders, Such As Epilepsy

The reported benefits of CBD, such as the ones mentioned above, primarily come from the compound’s effects on the brain’s signaling systems. Your nervous system has a system of neurotransmitters called the “endocannabinoid system,” and this is what CBD primarily acts upon. This is where its benefits for pain and anxiety come from, and this is also where the benefit to neurological disorders seems to come from. For many people that suffer from very severe conditions, such as epilepsy, CBD seems to be the only thing that can help. Many parents choose to give CBD to their children who suffer from epilepsy, finding that it blocks their seizures and allows them to have normal childhoods. Some patients with other severe conditions, such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s, find that they have a marked improvement in their quality of life once they begin using CBD Oil regularly. Some consumers have even said that it has helped to prevent the cognitive decline that occurs among Alzheimer’s patients.

You Are Receiving Chemotherapy Treatments

Cancer treatments are among the most unpleasant experiences a human being can go through. Chemotherapy comes with a lot of side effects of its own, making the whole process an ordeal that can truly make life miserable. Fortunately, people going through it have said that CBD Oil can really help with making the chemotherapy process easier and help you get some of your quality of life back. For example, nausea is one of the most difficult side effects of the treatment process to endure. Users have said that CBD can help reduce nausea and vomiting that chemotherapy causes. People also reported that it can significantly reduce the pain that comes along with treatment. Some consumers have even found that CBD seems to help reduce the spread of tumors, and possibly even shrink them. A few preliminary studies seem to indicate that breast cancer cells are inhibited by CBD treatments, although more research is needed to confirm this.

If you need more evidence that CBD for pain is helpful, check out these testimonials from real people now!

Hemp Products:

Hemp products are more popular than ever and have entered the mainstream, much to the joy and relief of many chronic pain sufferers all across the country. While for many years, there had been something of a stigma against hemp products due to their association with “marijuana” and “drug culture.” Fortunately now, it seems that things have begun moving in the other direction. Hemp products are being widely accepted by many, with laws being amended and serious scientific studies finally being undertaken. Medical professionals have been consistently impressed by what these findings have revealed. Far from being a niche treatment for a few conditions, users have reported that hemp products can help with a huge amount of different conditions. Chronic pain, epilepsy, glaucoma, nausea, sleeplessness, anxiety, and depression are among the many conditions with which hemp products have reportedly helped people.

However, with all of this hype come expectations. Can these hemp products actually live up to the expectations, or is the reality somewhat different? Read on to find out the truth.

Expectation: Hemp And Marijuana Are The Same

Reality: While They Are Related, They Are Not The Same

A lot of the worries people have regarding hemp is because they lump it in with recreational marijuana. The reality is that the two are very different; while they’re technically the same plant (cannabis sativa), they are completely different cultivars and have completely different purposes. It’s really important to understand that hemp and marijuana are not the same, and are not interchangeable, either medically or legally. If you are looking for the medical benefits or the foods that are made from hemp, you will not be purchasing marijuana or any of its derivatives. In the simplest terms, marijuana contains a large amount of THC – the compound that gets you ‘high’ – and hemp does not.

Expectation: Hemp Products Are Totally Non-psychoactive

Reality: Sort Of.

One of the things people have learned to expect about hemp is that, while they are derived from the cannabis sativa plant, they won’t get you high. That part of the story is true. Hemp products do not get you ‘high’ or ‘stoned.’ However, the idea that they don’t have any psychoactive effects at all is a fallacy. The reality is that hemp contains an array of different beneficial compounds, and these can act on your neurotransmitters. Every part of your body is affected by your neurotransmitters, including your brain and your mind. So while hemp won’t get you ‘high,’ they are definitely reported to have an effect on your mind. Not to worry, though; these effects are said to be subtle and beneficial. Hemp products have reportedly helped with conditions such as anxiety and depression and have also functioned as a sleep aid. So while it’s not true that there are no psychoactive effects, what effects there are could dramatically improve your quality of life, according to users.

Expectation: Hemp Products Are Only For People With Very Specific Conditions

Reality: Almost Anyone Can Benefit From The Use Of Hemp Products

Another reason that many people avoid hemp is that they don’t think it will specifically benefit them as an individual. They’ve heard stories of how it has helped other people, but they don’t think it will help them. So they continue to suffer from their conditions, with no hope of relief in sight. The reality is that hemp-derived products can help with so many conditions that chances are, pretty much everyone could potentially benefit in some way. For example, suffers from occasional sleeplessness. Hemp-derived compounds help many people sleep, but they also have improved the quality of their sleep so that they wake up feeling well rested. People also report that with CBD, there are far less negative side effects that a lot of sleep aids – including over the counter ones such as melatonin – have. If you suffer from chronic aches and pains, such as those caused by arthritis, hemp products could possibly help you as well. If you suffer from any of the dozens of different anxiety disorders that exist, such as generalized anxiety or social anxiety, they can potentially improve your daily life.

Expectation: Hemp Products Need A Prescription

Reality: You Can Just Purchase Them

Some people miss out on the benefits of the various cannabis products because they think they’ll need a prescription to get them. They think that they’ll need to schedule a doctor’s visit and may potentially be prescribed a hemp derivative, or different medicine. The reality, however, is that you don’t need a prescription to reap the benefits of the different hemp products. Although its always wise to consult your doctor, you can simply purchase them and begin deriving the benefits right away. The reason for this is that hemp products are not drugs; they don’t have the potentially dangerous side effects that expensive drugs carry with them. Not only that, these products don’t necessarily have to work in a vacuum; they can be used in tandem with more traditional medicines, as well as natural treatments for various conditions. So if you find that you’re struggling to sleep, or you are suffering from pain or anxiety, it’s very easy to give hemp a try.

Expectation: Hemp Products Have Harmful Side Effects

Reality: While There Are Side Effects, Hemp Products Are Entirely Safe

When researching treatments they know little about, people tend to expect harmful side effects. That’s understandable, of course, since a great deal of the treatments that exist do have harmful side effects. And while no treatment will ever be completely free from side effects, users of hemp report that they don’t have any that cause harm. Being aware of the side effects, however, is the best way to optimize the beneficial effects. Some patients do struggle with digestive issues when using hemp. Certain people are very sensitive to the compounds in hemp, so while they will not get high as there is no THC, they may still suffer from some anxiety after consuming the compound. Avoiding these side effects is usually as simple as finding the right dosage – consuming too much can cause minor problems, and you will just need to experiment until you find the right amount that works for you.