Incorporating CBD into Your Post-Workout Recovery

CBD for post-workout recovery

Bringing fitness routines to the next level should include a post-workout recovery session, and CBD is becoming just as popular as protein powder and other natural supplements for those who are serious about maximizing the value of their exercise. It isn’t hard to see why. Stress to the body’s muscles and regular inflammation causes microscopic damage to muscle tissue. If not properly addressed, this compounding effect can have drastic results at a future point in time, leading to serious injury, strains, and poor exercise results.

CBD is very effective

As we have already pointed out in this blog, CBD is very effective for managing pain and reducing inflammation in the muscles. It also has wonderful antioxidant properties that relax muscles and allows them to heal after they have been put through a rigorous work. When we allow the muscles to heal micro-injuries, they are more prepared to push even harder during the next exercise. As an added bonus, athletes concerned with random drug tests that would disqualify them from their game need not be afraid. CBD is not THC, and does not have psychoactive effects.

Even so, athletes have been using THC and CBD for years to help with workout recovery and performance (even before they were legal). There is less risk of exercise-related injuries like sprains, making it an extremely popular option for cyclists, mountain climbers, runners, soccer players, and other high-endurance sports. Ibuprofen, ice baths, and foods with antioxidant properties have been other traditional methods for assisting with post-workout recovery, but as the popularity of CBD continues to grow, so too does its use for the very same reasons. Although ibuprofen has been considered one of the most common over-the-counter options when it comes to fighting inflammation and muscle pain, it can have side effects that CBD simply does not, including stomach bleeding, stroke, high blood pressure, ulcers, heart attack, or kidney failure. Ibuprofen is also known to cause diarrhea, bloating, heartburn, blistering, and rashes.

In an article published by the U.S. News & World Report, Thorsten Rudroff, an exercise scientist and director of the Integrative Neurophysiology Laboratory at Colorado State University, strongly believes that CBD should be fully explored for its anti-inflammation properties, citing it as “the next big area” those in his profession should be examining. One of the reasons for his enthusiasm for CBD as a post-workout recovery tool is the sheer amount of athletes at the collegiate and professional level using it, despite the fact that there is very little solid medical research that offers specific, hard data on its benefits. Most of what we know about it comes empirically through direct use, or anecdotally through observation and open communication with others who are aware of its use and benefits.

Of course, there are many other benefits to using CBD in post-workout recoveries. Appetite, mood, pain response, sleep, and memory are other factors that come into play when we talk about the many wonderful benefits of using CBD naturally. The better the recovery, the more value exercising produces, allowing you to push farther and harder than you might have thought possible.

So what is the best way to consume CBD for post-workout recoveries? There are three ways it is typically used. Sprays, tinctures, lozenges, or drops are all used sublingually, or below the tongue. These methods are thought to bring quick relief and are also quick to use. Topical products like lotion and creams are absorbed through the skin and are often offered with other ingredients for improved effects such as eucalyptus, menthol, or rosemary. The third common option for CBD consumption is ingestion of chewables, gummies, or other edibles. This is by far the slowest option when it comes to CBD taking effect on the body, but edibles are nevertheless quite popular for their ease of use. Just wait 45 minutes to two hours to start feeling the effects.

No matter what method of consumption you choose, the body will still enjoy dozens of physiological benefits by incorporating CBD into post-workout recovery. Joint stiffness, aches and discomfort, and of course, inflammation, are all regular responses to hard exercising and heavy lifting. But by responsibly using CBD, the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) becomes stimulated, improving the function of the nervous system, immune system, and digestive system, which support and regulate sleep, pain, appetite, and other functions we have mentioned above.

If you are interested in learning more about incorporating CBD into your post-workout recovery, consider exploring our extensive catalog of premium CBD products made from the finest hemp the state of Oregon has to offer. Whether you are looking to seriously improve your performance, maximize results, or mitigate or avoid injury, there is something for you, and we would love the opportunity to help you choose the right product for the right post-workout application.