Anti-Aging With CBD

Anti-Aging With CBD

Everyone wants to look younger than they really are. There are no shortage of skincare products, dieting supplements, and exercise routines that promise a youthful, healthier appearance. More and more people are also discovering how CBD is also a wonderful anti-aging tool that when used properly and consistently, can dramatically improve the look and health […]

Our Favorite CBD Smoothie Recipes

Our Favorite CBD Smoothie Recipes

Cannabidiol (CBD) continues to gain popularity as restrictions on cannabis consumption continue to decline. This safe, non-habit forming extract of the cannabis plant is widely used for a number of alternative health and wellness routines, and this can include making a CBD smoothie every now and then. It is completely safe to use, is an […]

Understanding CBD Topicals

Understanding CBD Topicals

Topical cannabidiol (CBD) is available in a wide variety of forms. These include: body oil, lotions, balms, serums, patches, and bath salts. The popularity of CBD has exploded in recent years, and companies are rushing to provide innovative and convenient products. Understanding CBD topicals is more important now than ever before. Topical CBD products are […]

Incorporating CBD into Your Post-Workout Recovery

CBD for post-workout recovery

Bringing fitness routines to the next level should include a post-workout recovery session, and CBD is becoming just as popular as protein powder and other natural supplements for those who are serious about maximizing the value of their exercise. It isn’t hard to see why. Stress to the body’s muscles and regular inflammation causes microscopic […]