5 Myths about CBD for Pets

5 Myths about CBD for pets

Five Myths about CBD for Pets

Cannabidiol (CBD) offers many fantastic health benefits for humans, and our pets can enjoy many of those same benefits as well, despite some long-standing myths. Some very popular uses for CBD for pets include persistent barking (for dogs, unless your parrot also likes to pretend it’s a dog), aggression, hyperactivity, tremors, anxiety, arthritis, cancer, surgery recovery, or sprains and strains. If you feel like using CBD to help improve the quality of life for your animal friend, do not hesitate to speak with your veterinarian about it. It may dramatically improve the health and well-being of your pet as well as improve your special relationship with them.

Below are a few myths about CBD for pets we would like to dispel to help readers understand how safe and effective it really can be.

Myth 1: CBD is illegal

Since the passing of the 2018 US Farm Bill, CBD containing less than .3% of THC is legal to manufacture, sell, and use. Specific laws vary from state to state, but today CBD is legal to own in all 50 states. Typically these laws relate to the concentration of THC allowed to be put into the CBD and the legal THC concentration for medical and non-medical use CBD. Do not be afraid of buying CBD and keeping it in your home or using it for yourself or your pet.

Myth 2: CBD will make your pet “high”

CBD does not contain the same psychoactive properties as THC, which causes a “high” euphoric reaction commonly associated with smoking marijuana. Although CBD and THC are both extracted from the cannabis plant and have the same chemical makeup: 2 oxygen atoms, 30 hydrogen atoms, and 21 carbon atoms. The difference between them is how these atoms are arranged. Because of this, CBD will not cause your pet to become “high”. It may contain trace amounts of THC to help improve its effectiveness to some degree, but do not be concerned about your pet turning into a complete stoner.

Myth 3: CBD won’t harm your pets

Although CBD is almost completely safe to use in most cases, it is important to understand how CBD works and how to use it responsibly. There are in very rare cases risk factors to using too much CBD or if it is being used in combination with other prescription medication. CBD has been shown to delay the effects of other drugs and in some cases cause seizures if the dosage is not correct. If your pet is using a drug for health issues related to the liver, it is especially important to discuss CBD use with your veterinarian about using it and to make sure the animal’s blood levels are being properly monitored.

Myth 4: CBD will fatigue your pet

If used consistently and responsibly as mentioned above, you should not be concerned about your pet becoming lethargic or chronically fatigued. It is important to start with small doses when administering CBD to pets, and carefully observing their reaction to it. Increase or lessen the dosage depending on how they react and be patient as this process works itself out.

Myth 5: All CBD products are made the same

The quality of the CBD you produce will have a dramatic impact on how it affects your pet. Always carefully research the brands of the CBD products you are interested in, and stick to CBD products that are organically grown, sustainably produced, and are ideally locally made. Of course, look for CBD products that are tailored specifically to animals, and enjoy how well much happier, healthier, and friendlier they will quickly become.